Tutorial: build a distance sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython

In a previous tutorial “build a distance sensor with an alarm” we used an Arduino Nano (coded in a C-variant). Now, we will do the same with a Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython, a version of Python which runs on microcontrollers. If you are more interested in programming the Pico with the Arduino IDE (in … Continue reading Tutorial: build a distance sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython

Tutorial: Create a gamecontroller for the catch-the-ball game

In this tutorial, we are going to create a gamecontroller which can control the game using movements. By tilting the gamecontroller, you can control the movement of the basket. We will extend the game made in the previous tutorial. Carrying out the assignment Realizing the gamecontroller can be done in 2 ways: Using the MPU-6050 Accelerometer … Continue reading Tutorial: Create a gamecontroller for the catch-the-ball game

Tutorial: build a distance sensor with an alarm

Introduction to Arduino and programming . There is also a “quick walk-through video” of this tutorial. My practicals which use this tutorial have an introductory presentation (pdf). We will build a distance meter in this tutorial. It uses an ultrasonic distance sensor to sense the distance to an object nearby. It consist of the following steps: … Continue reading Tutorial: build a distance sensor with an alarm

Options for additional components and power for the Arduino

What options are there for the use of motors in our project? There are many types of motors. There are 3 basic types (more info): Most light servo motors can be used directly with an Arduino (no motor driver/controller required). For some heavier types and for many DC and stepper motors you do need a … Continue reading Options for additional components and power for the Arduino

Remote controlled Rover car with Arduino brain

Lego: Build remote controlled Rover car with Arduino brain

Learn how to build a remote controlled Rover car with Lego Mindstorms, with an Arduino ‘brain’, which can be remote controlled via Bluetooth with a phone. This guide uses parts from the Steering rover example on nxtprograms.com. It is also inspired by the NXT Dune Buggy.Lego parts shown here might be of different color depending … Continue reading Lego: Build remote controlled Rover car with Arduino brain

Control a Lego Mindstorms robot with your phone with App Inventor

First steps To be able to use App Inventor, you will have to register with a Google Account. So go to the site ai2.appinventor.mit.edu and register/login. Install the MIT AI2 Companion app on your phone. To be able to identify your NXT (if there are many Bluetooth devices), you might want to change its name: Start the Lego … Continue reading Control a Lego Mindstorms robot with your phone with App Inventor