Tag Archives: app

Resulting app

Learn Python: weather station app with live data 

Through this tutorial you become familiar with developing a Python application with a graphical userinterface. We will create an App which can display weather data from various weather stations. Data will come from an online xml service providing weather data. We are going to create an application that can display the temperature of several weather … Continue reading Learn Python: weather station app with live data 

Learn Python: a first “Hello world” userinterface

Through this assignment you become familiar with developing a Python application. We wil create an App in which you can input text and then show that text as part of a message in the App. Python is renowned for its readability and simplicity. Its syntax facilitates concise code, making it suitable for both beginners and … Continue reading Learn Python: a first “Hello world” userinterface

BLE-Nano with RGB LED

Bluetooth communication between an App built with App Inventor and the BLE-Nano board

This tutorial describes how to build an electronic circuit with an RGB LED (a LED that can change color), and change its color using an App. It also demonstrates two-way communication over Bluetooth LE between an App built with App Inventor and the BLE-Nano board. The BLE-Nano board is basically an Arduino Nano with an … Continue reading Bluetooth communication between an App built with App Inventor and the BLE-Nano board

Create a stand-alone Java App that displays info from a connected sensor

This article assumes you have already some experience in creating Java Apps. For instance if you have done the first 2 lectures of the course Application Development. You should also have prepared the DHT temperature/humidity sensor and have a working sketch for it (eg. by completing step 1 and 2 of practical assignment 2 of … Continue reading Create a stand-alone Java App that displays info from a connected sensor

How to create an App mockup with Figma – a tutorial

A new tutorial is available which introduces steps to create an App mockup using Figma. Figma is an online prototyping tool which can be used to design Apps and websites. This tutorial introduces the basics of prototyping an app with Figma. It quickly ‘touches’ all necessary steps without going into too much detail.  You can … Continue reading How to create an App mockup with Figma – a tutorial

Control an RGB LED from an Android App via Bluetooth

In this example we will control a RGB LED from an Android App via a Bluetooth connection. A HM10 BLE Bluetooth module is connected to an Arduino Uno. This tutorial assumes you already have some experience with Arduino. If not, you might want to follow a basic tutorial and/or install the Arduino software (the IDE). … Continue reading Control an RGB LED from an Android App via Bluetooth

Build an App with App Inventor which can display values of a connected sensor

This tutorial describes how to Use App Inventor to build an App which can read the online values of a connected sensor. For this, it uses a WebViewer Component and a Clock to refresh values. This is part 2 of a series, the first part, “Create a connected sensor” can be found here. This second … Continue reading Build an App with App Inventor which can display values of a connected sensor

Getting started with the ESP32 Wifi module

The ESP32 Wifi module can replace an Arduino, as it has similar properties. It’s main advantage is that it is faster, has more memory and has WiFi and Bluetooth on board. Just like the Arduino Nano it can be mounted on a breadboard. This allows building very compact prototype circuits: Make module ready for use … Continue reading Getting started with the ESP32 Wifi module