Tag Archives: arduino

Sensor with separate header pins

Using the VL53L1X Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor

This short tutorial introduces the VL53L1X Time-of-Flight (ToF ) distance sensor. For more tutorials on distance sensors, including various applications, look here. You can buy this sensor here. If you bought it like this: You will first have to solder the header pins. Connect the sensor Because the sensor uses I2C its wiring is simple: … Continue reading Using the VL53L1X Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor

Tutorial: Create a gamecontroller for the catch-the-ball game

In this tutorial, we are going to create a gamecontroller which can control the game using movements. By tilting the gamecontroller, you can control the movement of the basket. We will extend the game made in the previous tutorial. Carrying out the assignment Realizing the gamecontroller can be done in 2 ways: Using the MPU-6050 Accelerometer … Continue reading Tutorial: Create a gamecontroller for the catch-the-ball game

Tutorial: build a connected temperature sensor

Introduction to Arduino and programming . Practicals which use this tutorial have an introductory presentation (pdf). We will build a temperature sensor in this tutorial and connect it with an App. It uses an DHT11 temperature & humidity sensor and Bluetooth communication with a phone. We use a BLE-Nano here, but you can also use a regular Arduino … Continue reading Tutorial: build a connected temperature sensor

Tutorial: build a distance sensor with an alarm

Introduction to Arduino and programming . There is also a “quick walk-through video” of this tutorial. My practicals which use this tutorial have an introductory presentation (pdf). We will build a distance meter in this tutorial. It uses an ultrasonic distance sensor to sense the distance to an object nearby. It consist of the following steps: … Continue reading Tutorial: build a distance sensor with an alarm

“Error uploading sketch” in Arduino IDE and other upload issues

If you keep getting the error below (or a similar one) when trying to upload your sketch, read this article. Try the troubleshooting steps below in order. If it still fails, contact us and describe what you tried (which steps). Show verbose output of the Arduino IDE In File > Preferences do you have the … Continue reading “Error uploading sketch” in Arduino IDE and other upload issues

BLE-Nano with RGB LED

Bluetooth communication between an App built with App Inventor and the BLE-Nano board

This tutorial describes how to build an electronic circuit with an RGB LED (a LED that can change color), and change its color using an App. It also demonstrates two-way communication over Bluetooth LE between an App built with App Inventor and the BLE-Nano board. The BLE-Nano board is basically an Arduino Nano with an … Continue reading Bluetooth communication between an App built with App Inventor and the BLE-Nano board

Countdown timers and executing tasks in parallel on an Arduino

The examples in this article use an OLED display. Countdown timer example In its simplest form, a countdown timer can be coded like this, using the loop() for repetition (no for- or while-loop needed!): Full example : oled_display_countdown_start_button.ino This will countdown from 10 to 0 in ten seconds. If you prefer to display the number … Continue reading Countdown timers and executing tasks in parallel on an Arduino

Introduction to the Arduino BLE Nano

The BLE-Nano as sold here is a combination of a traditional Nano with a Bluetooth BLE module, based on the CC2540 BLE bluetooth chip. The Bluetooth module is directly connected to the TX, RX pins of the Arduino (pins 0 and 1). There is a troubleshooting section further down on this page! This is the … Continue reading Introduction to the Arduino BLE Nano