Tag Archives: sensor

Create a connected distance sensor with an ESP32 module

This short tutorial introduces the ESP32 module (a Lolin32 Lite) and connects an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor. The entire prototype will be powered by a battery and sent its data to a webserver via Wifi. It is assumed you have installed the Arduino IDE and have some basic understanding of using electronics and wiring a breadboard. Although in … Continue reading Create a connected distance sensor with an ESP32 module

Using an Optical (IR) sensor with Arduino

This short tutorial introduces the Optical (infrared) distance sensor (Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F). It is assumed you have installed the Arduino IDE and have some basic understanding of using electronics and wiring a breadboard. If you want to learn more or if anything is unclear, check out this extensive tutorial. Although in this example we use a display, you can … Continue reading Using an Optical (IR) sensor with Arduino

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Industry 4.0 Sensor Workshop

This page contains materials for the workshop given for the minor program Industry 4.0. Upcoming workshop on “Sensors” Thursday December 5, 2024: Topics of the “Sensors” workshop lecture: Lecture slides are available on Canvas. Part of this workshop will be the I4.0 Sensor practical.

Use DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor with display

This tutorial uses the Arduino Nano, but you may also use an Arduino Uno. You might need the Arduino Nano pinout diagram or an other diagram for your particular model of Arduino. We are going to use the diagram below to build it. But if you are inexperienced each step is explained in detail. First, … Continue reading Use DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor with display

Build an App with App Inventor which can display values of a connected sensor

This tutorial describes how to Use App Inventor to build an App which can read the online values of a connected sensor. For this, it uses a WebViewer Component and a Clock to refresh values. This is part 2 of a series, the first part is to create a connected sensor. For that, do one … Continue reading Build an App with App Inventor which can display values of a connected sensor

DHT ESP32 Closeup

Tutorial: Create a connected sensor

This tutorial demonstrates how to build a simple sensor and publish its values online (on a web server) using an ESP32 module. We will build an Arduino sketch which will read the sensor values, connect to WiFi, connect to a website and publish the values on the website. The published values can then be used … Continue reading Tutorial: Create a connected sensor

Getting started with the ESP32 Wifi module

The ESP32 Wifi module can replace an Arduino, as it has similar properties. It’s main advantage is that it is faster, has more memory and has WiFi and Bluetooth on board. Just like the Arduino Nano it can be mounted on a breadboard. This allows building very compact prototype circuits: Make module ready for use … Continue reading Getting started with the ESP32 Wifi module

Build an RFID reader with Arduino and the RC522 RFID module

The RC522 RFID module is a cheap module which comes with a card and a dongle.You can buy it at our local electronics shop the STORES for a few euro’s (search for ‘rfid’ in the price list). Or buy it here. Only thing you have to do before you can use it is solder the … Continue reading Build an RFID reader with Arduino and the RC522 RFID module