In this tutorial, we will build a laser distance Sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython, using a VL53L1X Time-of-Flight (TOF) sensor. In this tutorial you will learn to build a distance sensor. It takes the basic steps to connect electronic components and programming the Raspberry Pi Pico in Python. It uses an laser … Continue reading Tutorial: build a laser distance sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico →
This short tutorial introduces the VL53L1X Time-of-Flight (ToF ) distance sensor and hook it up to an Arduino Nano. Further directions: If you bought it like this: You will first have to solder the header pins. Connect the sensor Because the sensor uses I2C its wiring is simple: It’s operating voltage is 3.3V or 5V, … Continue reading Using the VL53L1X Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor →
In a previous tutorial “build a distance sensor with an alarm” we used an Arduino Nano (coded in a C-variant). Now, we will do the same with a Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython, a version of Python which runs on microcontrollers. If you are more interested in programming the Pico with the Arduino IDE (in … Continue reading Tutorial: build a distance sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython →
Introduction to Arduino and programming . There is also a “quick walk-through video” of this tutorial. My practicals which use this tutorial have an introductory presentation (pdf). Further directions: We will build a distance meter in this tutorial. It uses an ultrasonic distance sensor to sense the distance to an object nearby. It consist of the … Continue reading Tutorial: build a distance sensor with an alarm →
Learn how to count products on a conveyor belt with a distance sensor. This article explains how to use a distance sensor for counting objects. In this case, we have a conveyor belt with products, which we will count. This article is part of a lecture on use of sensors in Industry 4.0. The setup … Continue reading Object counting with distance sensors →
This short tutorial introduces the ESP32 module (a Lolin32 Lite) and connects an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor. The entire prototype will be powered by a battery and sent its data to a webserver via Wifi. It is assumed you have installed the Arduino IDE and have some basic understanding of using electronics and wiring a breadboard. Although in … Continue reading Create a connected distance sensor with an ESP32 module →
This short tutorial introduces the Optical (infrared) distance sensor (Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F). It is assumed you have installed the Arduino IDE and have some basic understanding of using electronics and wiring a breadboard. If you want to learn more or if anything is unclear, check out this extensive tutorial. Although in this example we use a display, you can … Continue reading Using an Optical (IR) sensor with Arduino →
Assignment: design, build and test a “product counter” which is able to count various products passing by on a conveyor belt. The counter should have a display which displays: a) measured distance, b) whether there is a product in sight (or not) and c) the number of counted products. Submit your results using the form … Continue reading Smart Industry Sensor practical →
Learn how to build a remote controlled Rover car with Lego Mindstorms, with an Arduino ‘brain’, which can be remote controlled via Bluetooth with a phone. This guide uses parts from the Steering rover example on It is also inspired by the NXT Dune Buggy.Lego parts shown here might be of different color depending … Continue reading Lego: Build remote controlled Rover car with Arduino brain →
By utilizing the Arduino-bit and the Proto-bit, all kinds of electronic circuits and components can be connected to a Littlebits circuit. In this example, we connect an Ultrasonic sensor to the Arduino-bit with the Proto-bit. The distance measured by the Ultrasonic sensor will be displayed on the Number-bit. This example is based on the Bat … Continue reading Build a distance-sensor with LittleBits →