Category Archives: Education

Control a Lego Mindstorms robot with your phone with App Inventor

First steps To be able to use App Inventor, you will have to register with a Google Account. So go to the site and register/login. Install the MIT AI2 Companion app on your phone. To be able to identify your NXT (if there are many Bluetooth devices), you might want to change its name: Start the Lego … Continue reading Control a Lego Mindstorms robot with your phone with App Inventor

Checking your Java environment (for use with leJOS)

To use leJOS you need 32 bits versions of the JDK and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Also, sometimes after updates of Java or multiple removals/additions the environment can ‘go bad’. Follow the steps below to test the environment and fix it when necessary. Test Java Windows must be able to find Java programs. Therefore the … Continue reading Checking your Java environment (for use with leJOS)

Create a wireless presenter for your presentations with LittleBits

As a demo for a workshop I am giving next week, I created a wireless presenter to use for presentations. The receiver is connected to the computer via the Arduino Bit. The wireless presenter is just a button connected to the Wireless Transmitter Bit. When you press the button, the (Powerpoint) presentation advances to the next … Continue reading Create a wireless presenter for your presentations with LittleBits

Famous paintings of dutch landscapes

Just because it is beautiful. Based on a standard WordPress gallery inside a regular Blog-post, in which we inserted the Isotope gallery together with the Strip-lightbox. Checkout this page if you want to learn how to do this. The complete piece of code included in this post is: <!– load isotope: –> <script src=””></script> <!– … Continue reading Famous paintings of dutch landscapes

Gogbot hosts ‘Creative Technologists’ in UT Innovation pavillion

The Gogbot festival challenges first years’s students of the University of Twente and its bachelor programme Creative Technlogy with pitches and special assignments for presentations at Gogbot: 60 international talents from the academic programme CreaTE combining user interaction with cutting-edge technology and creative design. For Gogbot these talents have developed 14 installations and prototypes – … Continue reading Gogbot hosts ‘Creative Technologists’ in UT Innovation pavillion

How to run SolidWorks 2015 SP4 on Windows 10

[16-NOV-2015 update: SP5 is still not available…] SolidWorks 2015 SP4 has compatibility issues with Windows 10. SolidWorks announced they will fix this in the next release of their Service Pack, which will be SP5. Since SP5 will be released no earlier than October, here is a work-a-round: run SolidWorks in compatibility mode. To do this, … Continue reading How to run SolidWorks 2015 SP4 on Windows 10