Add RFID identification to a Java application

This example presumes you already have some basic knowledge about Arduino and programming Java applications with Eclipse. If you have an RFID reader module attached to your computer (via a USB serial connection) you can read RFID data from a Java application. For instance, you can use the unique id (Card UID) to identify something or … Continue reading Add RFID identification to a Java application

Build an RFID reader with Arduino and the RC522 RFID module

The RC522 RFID module is a cheap module which comes with a card and a dongle.You can buy it at our local electronics shop the STORES for a few euro’s (search for ‘rfid’ in the price list). Or buy it here. Only thing you have to do before you can use it is solder the … Continue reading Build an RFID reader with Arduino and the RC522 RFID module

Introduction to the Arduino BLE Nano

The BLE-Nano as sold here is a combination of a traditional Nano with a Bluetooth BLE module, based on the CC2540 BLE bluetooth chip. The Bluetooth module is directly connected to the TX, RX pins of the Arduino (pins 0 and 1). There is a troubleshooting section further down on this page! This is the … Continue reading Introduction to the Arduino BLE Nano

Connect an ESP8266 module to an Arduino Nano and control it with Blynk

We are going to build a circuit that is connected to an app build with Blynk. For this we connect an Arduino to an ESP8266 module and connect it through Wifi (step 1). This example uses an Arduino Nano, of course you may use an other type of Arduino, eg. the Uno. In the second … Continue reading Connect an ESP8266 module to an Arduino Nano and control it with Blynk