Android Studio: create a first interactive userinterface
Part of series about Android App Development. This is the second article, in which you will learn to create a first interactive userinterface.
Part of series about Android App Development. This is the second article, in which you will learn to create a first interactive userinterface.
Part of series about Android App Development: first step: installing Android Studio and create a ‘hello world’ app.
This article highlights four different ways you can make sounds with the Arduino or play music. It starts with the easiest one: (1) adding a small buzzer, then (2) a standard loudspeaker, then (3) using your smartphone as the speaker via an connected app. It ends (4) with using an MP3 module. A tutorial which … Continue reading Sounds and music with Arduino
First steps To be able to use App Inventor, you will have to register with a Google Account. So go to the site ai2.appinventor.mit.edu and register/login. Install the MIT AI2 Companion app on your phone. To be able to identify your NXT (if there are many Bluetooth devices), you might want to change its name: Start the Lego … Continue reading Control a Lego Mindstorms robot with your phone with App Inventor