Category Archives: Personal

Getting started with a digital portfolio

This presentation is for a workshop to help first year bachelor students of the study programme Create to get started creating a website for their showcase portfolio. This is part of the course Professional Development. Below you can find the material of that lecture. Video of lecture “Getting started with a digital portfolio”: Download: Presentation … Continue reading Getting started with a digital portfolio

Zo, ik heb mn halve er op zitten…

Een (halve) marathon lopen is een hele uitdaging. Morgen is de Enschede Marathon. Die laat ik aan mij voorbij gaan. Een erg leuk alternatief is om zelf een rondje in het buitengebied te lopen: geen drukte, een stuk minder asfalt en prachtige natuur om van te genieten. Vanmorgen liep ik bijgaande route van 20,3km op … Continue reading Zo, ik heb mn halve er op zitten…

Famous paintings of dutch landscapes

Just because it is beautiful. Based on a standard WordPress gallery inside a regular Blog-post, in which we inserted the Isotope gallery together with the Strip-lightbox. Checkout this page if you want to learn how to do this. The complete piece of code included in this post is: <!– load isotope: –> <script src=””></script> <!– … Continue reading Famous paintings of dutch landscapes

The heat is on

Temperatures are rising and now that Delft University has presented its latest model solar car, the Nuna8, we can expect some serious heat. The University of Twente presented it’s model, the Red One, earlier. This’ years Solar Challenge will be more challenging than ever! The World Solar Challenge will be held in Australia starting October 18th. Visit … Continue reading The heat is on