Termination of portfolio website service

Latest update: 19-09-2024

The portfolio website service has been terminated per July 1 2024.

This impacts these sites:

  • portfolio.id.utwente.nl
  • portfolio.cr.utwente.nl

Student sites which were hosted there are associated with the study programmes Industrial Design Engineering, Creative Technology and ATLAS.

If you had a website on the portfolio sites, you might want to take steps to transfer it to a different hosting provider or view/use it on your own computer.

You can request an archive of your old site by email. (do not forget to mention your full name and student number in the request)

Group websites for modules 6, 7 and 8 will be archived by us.

The paragraphs below will explain further steps depending on your situation.

You have a HTML/CSS/JavaScript based website (a static website)

If you have an up-to-date copy of your site on your own computer, you only have to find a new hosting provider, see the paragraph about that further down this page.

If you do not have an up-to-date copy of your site, you can request an archive of the site (make sure to mention your name and student number in the request).

Then you have a copy of all contents. This you can then upload to a new site, once you found a new hosting service. Or just keep it as an archive.

Check the paragraph “How to find a new hosting service” below also.

Your site is using WordPress

If you do not have an archive of your site, you can request an archive of the site (make sure to mention your student number in the request!).

With this archive, which typically consists of a zip-file containing all files of the site, and a database backup, you can start a new site on a new hosting service.

Check the paragraph “How to find a new hosting service” below also.

How to find a new hosting service (provider)

There are several options.

GitHub pages (free), which can not host WordPress but can be useful for a static (HTML/CSS) site. A tutorial on its use can be found here.

General hosting providers that can host both static (HTML/CSS) sites and WordPress sites:

Other free alternatives like Google sites, Wix and WordPress.com might also be a good option, but might be difficult to migrate existing content to.

More information