breadboard with rgb led pico w

Create an RGB Led controller App

This tutorial describes how to build an electronic circuit with an RGB LED (a LED that can change color), and change its color using an App. It also demonstrates two-way communication over Bluetooth LE between an App built with Android Studio. Older versions of this tutorial: If you have and Arduino, that can also work … Continue reading Create an RGB Led controller App

Is Figma suitable to host a website?

In the past, students choose Figma as their website hosting platform. Why would I be against that? What could be a good use of Figma in the process of creating a website? If for instance students choose Figma as their platform to document and present their design project deliverables, there are several arguments against this … Continue reading Is Figma suitable to host a website?

Micro SD Card Module with temperature sensor

Data logging with the Raspberry Pi Pico W

This tutorial extends the tutorial of a temperature sensor with a display, and adds data logging to that. This can be realized by logging to an SD card, to the memory of the Raspberry Pi, or by logging to a website (via Wifi). The first part is logging to an SD card. Part 1: Data … Continue reading Data logging with the Raspberry Pi Pico W

Getting started with a digital portfolio

This presentation is for a workshop to help first year bachelor students of the study programme Create to get started creating a website for their showcase portfolio. This is part of the course Professional Development. Below you can find the material of that lecture. Video of lecture “Getting started with a digital portfolio”: Download: Presentation … Continue reading Getting started with a digital portfolio

Tutorial: build a laser distance sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico

In this tutorial, we will build a laser distance Sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico and CircuitPython, using a VL53L1X Time-of-Flight (TOF) sensor. In this tutorial you will learn to build a distance sensor. It takes the basic steps to connect electronic components and programming the Raspberry Pi Pico in Python. It uses an laser … Continue reading Tutorial: build a laser distance sensor with a Raspberry Pi Pico

How to restore an archived (student) portfolio website

In this tutorial we will go through the steps of reviving an archived (student) portfolio website from the old portfolio server. Focus is on a site that was made using WordPress. We will install a local webserver using XAMPP, a bundle that contains Apache (the webserver), PHP and a MySQL database. So the webserver can … Continue reading How to restore an archived (student) portfolio website

Wokwi logo

Prototyping in a rush? No time for physical prototype? Simulate it!

Learn more about simulating a physical prototype. Wokwi is a great simulator that you can use to build your electronics projects online, without the need to get components, wire them on a breadboard and then test. If you combine it with Chat GPT to do the coding, you can have your prototype up-and-running in literally … Continue reading Prototyping in a rush? No time for physical prototype? Simulate it!

Termination of portfolio website service

Latest update: 19-09-2024 The portfolio website service has been terminated per July 1 2024. This impacts these sites: Student sites which were hosted there are associated with the study programmes Industrial Design Engineering, Creative Technology and ATLAS. If you had a website on the portfolio sites, you might want to take steps to transfer it … Continue reading Termination of portfolio website service

Uploaded website on Github pages

Deploying a website to Github pages

This tutorial will explain how to deploy a basic, html-based site (consisting of static pages) to Github pages. This tutorial assumes you already have some basic knowledge of how to create webpages and coding in HTML, CSS. If not, do this tutorial first. For this tutorial this template based on the W3.CSS framework from w3schools … Continue reading Deploying a website to Github pages

Website editing

Getting started with your first website

This tutorial will learn you how to create your first webpage using a basic text editor by writing/editing code. Learn HTML We will not learn you how to code HTML or CSS. Use a tutorial like W3Schools for that: start with the “HTML introduction” and follow the pages until “HTML CSS”. Basic steps These are the basic … Continue reading Getting started with your first website