Uploaded website on Github pages

Deploying a website to Github pages

This tutorial will explain how to deploy a basic, html-based site (consisting of static pages) to Github pages. This tutorial assumes you already have some basic knowledge of how to create webpages and coding in HTML, CSS. If not, do this tutorial first.

For this tutorial this template based on the W3.CSS framework from w3schools was used. How to make that is explained in this video tutorial.

Register & create a repository

Goto github.com and sign up.

A repository is an online folder that can contain code. On the main page, press New to setup a new repository.

Fill in some details, for example (change to your own likings):

Repository name: mysite
Description: My personal website
Choose ‘Public’
Select ‘Add a README file’

And finalize: Click the ‘Create repository‘ button

Upload the first files (index.html and style.css)

After you have prepared a basic HTML/CSS based website on your own computer, you can upload that to Github.

Click the Add file menu in your repository and select the option Upload files:

Then select the files of your website from your computer, with the main HTML file named index.html.
Remember to put all your CSS and JavaScript files in the repository as well. Next, click ‘Commit changes’ (twice):

Upload images

We assume you would like to create a folder named “img” for these.
To create a folder in the repository, click Add File > Create new file
In the field for the filename, type the name of the folder, followed by a ‘/’: so “img/”, then type “.gitkeep” as the filename:

Click ‘Commit changes‘ (twice) to make the folder.

Next, go to the new folder and upload the images there via ‘Add file‘ > ‘Upload files‘.
Make sure to select all files in the folder so all images will be uploaded.

Scroll down and click ‘Commit changes’ to finalize the upload.

Alternatively, you may also drag-and-drop an entire folder (containing images) directly into the Code view.

Publishing to GitHub pages

Before your site can go live, you must build and deploy it. Under your repository name, click Settings.
At the left, under the “Code and automation” section of the sidebar, click Pages.
Then, under ‘Build and deployment’ specify the Branch: From the dropdown under ‘None’, select ‘main’:

And then press ‘Save’.

Your site will now be deployed.

After this, go to ‘Actions’ and click ‘pages build and deployment’, if all went well, this should show the deployment status and your website address.
Click that to visit it and check if it works.

Updating the site

After making changes to your files, you can simply upload new versions of files in the same way you did in the previous steps.
Drag-and-dropping files (or folders) into the Code view should also work.

More info

Resulting website:

The repository of this site can be found here.