I started assignment 6, though, but when I opened Eclipse IDE, Assignment5 was full of errors and I am not able to play the game anymore, nor go on with assignment 6. Yesterday I recorded the video and everything worked just fine. How can this be possible?

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I checked what you handed in on Canvas for assignment 5 and that is also corrupt/incomplete. It seems you moved the Eclipse workspace folder, and/or deleted files from there. Or you moved the folder where Eclipse is installed. These are all things you should not do!

I was able to fix it in this way:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Start Eclipse and create a new project.
  3. Start the Windows Explorer, and locate the folder with the broken Eclipse project (Assignment5_s2319705)
  4. From that folder, select the folders "images", "sound", and "src".
  5. Right-click these and select Copy.
  6. Switch to Eclipse and right-click the new project folder you created in step 2 and select Paste. (choose Overwrite All if asked)
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