I am doing assignment 4a. When I try to print my balance, the display is printing letters instead of numbers. I tried printing them towards my serial monitor, however, here numbers are printed. Does anyone has an idea what is going on??

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My code looks like this:

void Userinterface::printBalance(){ 
  display->setCursor(0, 4); // goto line 4
  balance = controller->getBalance();
  int euros = balance / 100;
  int cents = balance % 100;
  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%1d", euros, cents); // put value of euros into string buffer
  display->draw2x2String(0, 6, euros); // and print it
  display->draw2x2String(2, 6, ".");
  display->draw2x2String(4, 6, cents);
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These 2 lines will not work properly:

snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%1d", euros, cents); // put value of euros into string buffer
display->draw2x2String(0, 6, euros); // and print it

In the last line, you must use buf instead of euros.

Maybe try this:

  // print value balance at line 5,6:
  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%1d", euros); // put value of euros into string buffer
  display->draw2x2String(0, 6, buf); // and print it
  display->draw2x2String(2, 6, ".");
  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%1d", cents); // put value of count into string buffer; %2d means we have 2 decimal places
  display->draw2x2String(4, 6, buf);
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Maybe share your code for the printBalance() method here?

Do you use the example code from the assignment?:

snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%1d", euros); // put value of euros into string buffer
display->draw2x2String(0, 6, buf); // and print it
display->draw2x2String(2, 6, ".");
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Great, this works. Thank you!

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