What are some general questions and answers that I can share across my organization?

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There are many types of questions that you could ask that would be useful to share. Below is a list of some questions you could ask on your Team. Feel free to pick one, many, or create your own:

  • What does our new employee onboarding look like?
  • Where do I find the design assets we use?
  • What are all the data and research sources we have?
  • Are there any particular out of the box integrations between our various tools that we recommend using?
  • Do we have a fax number?
  • How do I get Microsoft Office?
  • What can I do to help speed up my slow computer?
  • How do I reset my Active Directory password?
  • How do I combine PDFs without Acrobat?
  • How do I upload videos on our company YouTube?
  • Where can I find the latest information on our retirement plans?
  • How do I change my retirement plan contribution?
  • How can I review the beneficiaries for my company-provided Life Insurance?
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Your Answer

  • Links
  • Images
  • Styling/Headers
  • Lists
  • Blockquotes
  • Code
  • HTML
  • Advanced help

Images are exactly like links, but they have an exclamation point in front of them:

![a busy cat](https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/Img/error-lolcat-problemz.jpg)
![two muppets][1]

 [1]: https://i.imgur.com/I5DFV.jpg "tooltip"

The word in square brackets is the alt text, which gets displayed if the browser can't show the image. Be sure to include meaningful alt text for screen-reading software.

Be sure to use text styling sparingly; only where it helps readability.

*This is italicized*, and so
is _this_.

**This is bold**, just like __this__.

You can ***combine*** them
if you ___really have to___.

To break your text into sections, you can use headers:

A Large Header

Smaller Subheader

Use hash marks if you need several levels of headers:

# Header 1 #
## Header 2 ##
### Header 3 ###

Both bulleted and numbered lists are possible:

- Use a minus sign for a bullet
+ Or plus sign
* Or an asterisk

1. Numbered lists are easy
2. Markdown keeps track of
   the numbers for you
7. So this will be item 3.
1. Lists in a list item:
    - Indented four spaces.
        * indented eight spaces.
    - Four spaces again.
2.  You can have multiple
    paragraphs in a list items.
    Just be sure to indent.
> Create a blockquote by
> prepending “>” to each line.
> Other formatting also works here, e.g.
> 1. Lists or
> 2. Headings:
> ## Quoted Heading ##

You can even put blockquotes in blockquotes:

> A standard blockquote is indented
> > A nested blockquote is indented more
> > > > You can nest to any depth.

To create code blocks or other preformatted text, indent by four spaces or surround with groups of backticks:

    This will be displayed in a monospaced font. The first four spaces
    will be stripped off, but all other whitespace will be preserved.

Markdown and HTML are turned off in code blocks:
<i>This is not italic</i>, and [this is not a link](https://example.com)

To create not a block, but an inline code span, use backticks:

The `$` character is just a shortcut for `window.jQuery`.

If you want to have a preformatted block within a list, indent by eight spaces:

1. This is normal text.
2. So is this, but now follows a code block:
        Skip a line and indent eight spaces.
        That's four spaces for the list
        and four to trigger the code block.

If you need to do something that Markdown can't handle, use HTML. Note that we only support a very strict subset of HTML!

Strikethrough humor is <strike>funny</strike>.

Markdown is smart enough not to mangle your span-level HTML:

<b>Markdown works *fine* in here.</b>

Block-level HTML elements have a few restrictions:

  1. They must be separated from surrounding text by blank lines.
  2. The begin and end tags of the outermost block element must not be indented.
  3. Markdown can't be used within HTML blocks.

    You can <em>not</em> use Markdown in here.

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