
I was working on assignment 2 practical when I smelled something weird. Turns out my heat sensor was overheated and the plastic of the sensor was slowly melting. I only noticed this after a minute or 5. At this point the sensor was already deformed and not working anymore. The assignment has to be turned in today (8th of May) So I don’t have time to buy a new sensor in time. What should I do?

Kind regards, Sarah Mans S2306379

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The cause of this to happen is in 75% of the cases a faulty wiring (you made a mistake with connecting the sensor). In 25% the sensor itself is malfunctioning.

You have a serious planning issue. Do not expect us to be able to help you if you start working on an assignment 1.5 weeks too late, on the day of the deadline. If you reported this last week, I could have provided you with a replacement on time, for you to have at least a week to finish it.

You can just skip this assignment, as we will not give you extra time for this.

If you live in Enschede, you can contact me by email to pick up a replacement from my home. If you live outside of Enschede it is best you buy a replacement yourself.

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